Ms. Beichner-Miller's English 10
I. Turnitin:
***ALWAYS remember to use Firefox or Chrome. Never use Internet Explorer
-Your login follows this format:
-Remember your password (photo on your phone/save in a password app)
II. Debates:
**Using Opposing Viewpoints in Context data base: see the link to the database page (left sidebar)
Research tips:
1) Don't search phrases: choose keywords
2) Limit your search: location (United States, New York State)
Use several types of resources: Opposing Viewpoints includes journal
articles, newspaper articles, viewpoint essays, statistical data, and
additional (authoratative) websites**Debate topics:
-Students should/should not be held legally responsible for bullying (cyberbullying)
-Southwestern should/should not have a uniform
-Homework should be/should not be banned in schools
-The first amendment gives us/does not give us the right to
say anything we want online.